
Introduction to Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (4th Edition or VDA-FMEA)
Course Length
8 hours
Max Attendees
Course Description
Using Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA) as a disciplined technique to identify and help minimize potential problems is as important as ever. Dependent upon the company’s request, this course uses the manuals for the AIAG-VDA automotive FMEA, or the AIAG 4th Edition FMEA, as a reference to teach how effective implementation of FMEA techniques can help reduce customer complaints, improve corrective actions, steer preventive actions, and continual improvements, along with assisting in APQP activities. Unique course exercises are used to provide real-world examples to the FMEA process.
Course Objectives
- Origination and Requirements of FMEAs
- What is FMEA?
- FMEA Implementation- When and How
- Types of FMEA
- What are the benefits of using FMEA
- Prerequisites for FMEA
- Systematic Approach to FMEA
- How to properly develop FMEA’s
- Severity, Occurrence, and Detection ranking
- 7 Step Approach (AIAG-VDA FMEA version)
- New S, O, D, and AP tables (AIAG-VDA FMEA version)
Course Outline
Who Should Attend:
- Personnel who have responsibilities in FMEA and advanced quality planning teams
- Anyone involved in submitting production products for customer approval
- Engineers and Technicians who have responsibilities in developing new processes or improving existing production or manufacturing processes
- Automotive suppliers who need a basic understanding of FMEA to satisfy industry requirements