
Root Cause for Maintenance - Problem Solving
Industrial Maintenance & Technology
Course Length
8 Hours
Max Attendees
Course Description
The course will give participants a chance to develop and implement permanent solutions to persistent machine failures and problems. The course will help maintenance personnel more quickly discover the true causes, not the symptoms, of failures. Also, the training addresses a systematic way of troubleshooting a problem with practical techniques and tools that work. This course will provide individual exercises as well as group activities throughout the day for the participants.
Course Objectives
- Learn a practical approach to troubleshooting and problem-solving
- Gather basic problem solving techniques such as fishbone diagrams, flowcharts and checksheets
- Understand the “5-Why” technique, the positives and pitfalls, and the best way to use it to find the root cause
- Learn and implement error / mistake proofing systems/tools
- Gain teamwork skills working on solving class exercises
- Reduce downtime and prevent recurrences of failures by standardizing troubleshooting and problem solving methods
Course Outline
- Differentiate between Root Causes of a Problem and Symptoms.
- Learn a structured way of Troubleshooting and Problem Solving for Maintenance
- ERIC (Examine, Repair, Investigate, Correct)
- 5 “M”s of a Process (and breakdown)
- Troubleshooting Charts, Flowcharts
- Investigation tools:
- Gather and Analyze the Numbers (Data)
- Five “Why”
- Brainstorming and Cause-And-Effect Diagrams
- Correct Problem
- Prevention Systems
- Error Proof/Mistake Proof
- Communicate